“These hearing aids are going to change my life.” — Jack H.
Advanced technology for clearer speech understanding: Signia AX hearing aids.
Advanced technology for clearer speech understanding: Signia AX hearing aids.
This investment can range from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand dollars depending on the need of the loss. Though there are a lot of options in technology, we believe it’s our job to help our patients understand their options and work within their budgets. The treatment for hearing loss goes beyond just fitting technology. We will be there every step of the way to make sure your technology is working its best and you are processing those sounds well, which is why we believe in a full treatment plan for the life of your aids.
Our commitment to you is that with every Level 5-9 technology that is purchased and free clean and checks and warranty coverage options. In addition, we have financing options available for you to choose from.
We also want you to enjoy the below offer if you are a first time buyer of hearing technology.
Expires 12/31.